Welcome to Pyskema’s documentation!


Pyskema is a small module used to define schema for structured data.

The schema can be used to validate, document and generate data.


Use pip install pyskema.


Here is a simple example of defining a model of data:

from pyskema import Node, AtomType

model = Node.of_record({
    "number of schleem": Node.of_atom(AtomType.INT),
    "length of dinglepop": Node.of_atom(AtomType.FLOAT),
    "color of fleeb": Node.of_atom(AtomType.OPTION, [

The model can be used to validate a concrete piece of data from any source (see pyskema.validate).

from pyskema.validate import validate, InvalidDataError
from json import load

with open("plumbus.json") as f:
    data = load(f)

    validate(data, model, fail=True):
except InvalidDataError as e:
    print("The data does not match:")
    explanation, = e.args
    print("all good!")

For documentation purpose, you can automatically describe a schema (see pyskema.describe).

from pyskema import Node, AtomType, describe

model = Node.of_record(
        "n_schleem": Node.of_atom(
            description="number of dangling schleems",
        "l_ding": Node.of_atom(
            description="length of a the dinglepop in mm",
        "c_fleeb": Node.of_atom(
            description="color of the fleeb",
    description="a plumbus specification"

# >>> describe(model)
# a plumbus specification
#   n_schleem: number of dangling schleems
#       value of type str
#   l_ding: length of a the dinglepop in mm
#       value of type float
#   c_fleeb: color of the fleeb
#       one of 'pink', 'red', or 'octarine'

You can also clone an existing model with modifications with methods pyskema.schema.Node.delete() and pyskema.schema.Node.inject().

More details can be found in the reference.

Indices and tables